Childcare Business Sold in Princeton, NJ

HINGE Advisors was pleased to lead the successful sale of a high quality business in the Princeton, New Jersey area. 

Our longtime client was connected with the HINGE team years ago to strategize her exit and create optimal value from her business while providing top-quality educational services to children and families in her area. 

The sought-after business was matched with a national provider with aspirations to grow its brand in New Jersey and recognized the value in the school’s team, curriculum, and facility.

The seller was able to select a great culture fit while gaining maximum value for the business she had created for many years.

This transaction was led by Transaction Advisor Alec Ligon.

If you’re ready to sell your childcare business or want to start planning for your succession and see how you can maximize the value of your preschool, reach out to our team at


The True Cost of Care: Setting Your Preschool Tuition Rates


The Value of Running a Competitive Process for the Sale of Your School