HINGE Team Completes 8-Week Leadership Course

Every Friday since the start of 2022, the team at HINGE has gathered together on Zoom with Rize Leadership Coach Tom Wood to participate in his customized Leadership Sprint Course. With a small time commitment of only 30 minutes each Friday, the team has been able to cover a range of leadership topics, provide anonymous feedback to colleagues, and learn how to be better leaders at work and away from work.

Each sprint launched by looking back on the previous week and answering a simple question, “What did you do differently?” This exercise provided accountability for kickstarting better habits like fitting in a certain number of workouts each week, ending work at 5pm each day, or cooking more and eating out less—anything a team member consciously did to feel more productive that week.

Beyond the 30-minute sprint commitment, team members also completed short homework assignments to help them reflect on what they learned during each course and how it could apply to their work and personal lives. For instance, following the Leadership Qualities Sprint, team members were asked to name one change they could initiate at work and in life to exhibit themselves as better leaders. This reflective homework was highly impactful and helped set actionable steps for each team member for the following week.

Check out some of our Leadership topics below…

  • Ethical Leadership

  • Leadership Qualities

  • Leading Difficult People

  • Leadership Confidence

  • Stewardship

These sprints have been a great start to our year and have allowed us to get to know each other better as well as grow in our individual roles within the company. We look forward to leading ourselves, our team and our clients into our most successful year yet!



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Where You Can Find the HINGE Team this Month